Hunter Benjamin Phillips made his grand appearance on August 30, 2011 at 8:58pm. He was 7 Lbs 15 oz and 19.5 inches long. And let me tell you it was a long day for all of us. And not an easy one either. With a Dr that said uh oh as he was doing my spinal. Followed by both doctors and nurses telling me to take deep breaths while running around frantic. Not exactly a great thing to watch while you are strapped down to a table, numb from the waist down unable to move. SO lets just say it was a scary experience. Baby boy was out in 2 mins after they started. his heart rate dropped because of the spinal. Hence that is why everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Ben hardly made it into the room before he was out. But he was gorgeous and perfect. And OURS! And Ben did GREAT! At one point he thought he was gonna lose it but he did great!!! And now for pictures all these were on my phone and I just now got them moved over. 6 weeks later.

Baby boys first picture!!!

Already all bright eyed,

Footprints taken!

Enjoying hanging onto daddys finger.

Cap on and eyes getting heavy.

Mom and Babys first picture together and first time mommy got to hold him.

And kiss him

Ah so high on drugs!

Skin to skin!

Slept on mommys chest the whole first night.

Our first self portrait.

Baby boys tag. He was such a good baby in the hospital! And still is!! I just cant believe he is mine and will be forever! And each and everyday I am grateful for all the discomfort, all the needles, all the kicks, hiccups, all the stomach pushing ( worst part of the whole c-section), and all the cries. Because it reminds me that I need to cherish each and everyday!