This Mother's day I decided I wanted to hear from other mothers. So I decided to ask a few mothers for their help. I went for mothers all in different stages. From expecting, to adoptive, to a mother of one, to a mothers of more than one, to a mother who has lost and is so incredibly strong. Each one of these women has taught me something about being a mother. Each one has shown me examples of love and strength. I have cried with many of these women multiple times. We are all bonded together by motherhood. We ALL know how difficult and rewarding it is to be a mother. I asked each of these amazing moms two questions. What does it mean to you to be a mother? What is your favorite memory as a mother?
Andrea Snow
The lovely Jessica asked me to be a featured on her blog with other awesome mommies.I am going to be a first time mom in July and I cannot wait. What I am most excited for you ask? To be honest… everything!! I feel so blessed everyday to be pregnant with our little Henry. I am so excited to hear his first cry, see his little face for the first time, cuddle him, nurse him, and to raise him. I day dream about meeting him every day. I am already so in love with our little boy.
What does being a mother mean to me?It means everything to me. I grew up with the best mother. She is my greatest example of what a Mother should be like. My mother is loving, kind, generous, funny, and charitable, always my number one fan, positive, a woman of great Faith, and she is my best friend. If I can be half the Mother was she to me, then our little Henry will be blessed.Xo, Mrs. Snow
Kaila Pfeifer
For me, explaining what being a mother means to me is so hard because it is my absolutely everything. Every morning when I wake up and hear Hudson calling me from his room, or I feel this little one kicking in my womb, I am reminded that I have been given this absolutely amazing, overwhelming, unique, and incredible blessing to nurture, teach, and know what the love of being a mother is like. I am reminded, too, having gone through several losses, that motherhood is such a delicate and precious gift; a "job" not to be taken for granted or taken lightly. One of my favorite memories while being a mom is when Hudson heard this new baby's heartbeat in my tummy. I held the Doppler to my stomach and he heard his brother/sister in my womb, full of life, and his eyes just lit up! He smiled so big and hugged my tummy and said "Awww!" I know he is only two and probably doesn't realize to full capacity what being a big brother means, but it was just such a loving and tender moment!
Kristen Hunter
Ok finding the words to describe what it means to be a mom was harder than i thought. Before liam was born my fears were MINE . Now my fears are all about his safety and future decisions and being sure i teach him the things he needs to know and keeping him safe. Being a mom means loving someone else more than you ever thought possible beforehand. It means serving serving and more serving. It means always on the clock. Breakfast lunch dinner play time bath bedtime and all through the night. Its continually giving of yourself all day and all night . Its the hardest job but greatest sweetest ride. My sweetest memory was the day liam was born. He came out crying and immediately they put him on my chest i put my finger in his grasp and he grabbed onto it and didnt let go. Being a mom has been the hardest best decision of my life.
Erin Binford
Motherhood means unconditional and selfless love. My favorite memory as a mother is getting the call to let us know our son, who we didn't even know yet would be our son was born. Getting to hold him for the first time, looking at him and knowing that even though I wasn't the mother that carried him under her heart for 9 months, I was the mother that carried him my heart for years.

Danielle Snow
Being a mom has its crazy, frustrating, and exhausting moments. Especially when you feel like you feel like you have tried everything and yet you and your children are still not understanding each other. But their is this other side of it that you cannot fully understand until you experience. It is this love that is overwhelming and indescribable feeling that fills you and you feel that you just my explode. I cannot hug, snuggle, kiss and love on my kids enough. Even though I look forward to bed time... usually with in an hour of putting them too bed I literally ache to hold them and be near them. My children challenge me to be better. I would not trade being a mom for anything. Their smiles, laughs, cute faces, funny words.....the list goes on.....they are priceless. The first time my children told me they loved me with out being prompted is probably one of my favorite moments and memories I have of my children.
Rhonda Fisher
My most favorite Mommy Memory is hearing Riley crying for the first time. With Rebecca and ReAnna I as put completely under for their c sections, so I never got to hear their first cries. Hearing Riley's made me cry, knowing how much I missed with my first two and how much I loved each and everyone of them.
Being a mom means raising kids that are respectful and hard working. Kids that people say "Those are some great kids!" Also making sure that they have a childhood that they love and never forget. My childhood sucked, so I want to be sure theirs is all they could hope for.
For me being a mom means being their for my children 24/7. It means making sure they know that I love them no matter what. That even though I may not agree with the things they do and say, I will always support them. That I am always there for them. Being a mom means I have the most important job. I am shaping the men these boys of mine turn into. I am responsible for teaching them right and wrong. I am the one who teaches them how to love. Being a mom is my everything. There is absolutely nothing I would rather be doing then raising my boys.
My favorite memory as a mom is when Little man came to the hospital to meet his new brother. I will never forget that moment. He was so excited and nervous. He was so gentle. He was so proud. He was so in love from the moment he looked at his brother for the first time.
Each mother has the same fears. Each mother is the same at her core. Each mother is amazing and beautiful. Remember just how amazing you are. Happy Mother's day!
Be the best mommy you can be.